EMPIRE Magazine

The next magazine we turn our attention to is the long running and self proclaimed: "World's Biggest Movie Magazine" - Empire.

Being Media students I'm sure that you'll find the magazine interesting for the insights into film, the celebrity interviews or even the irreverent tone. Even if you don't the magazine is of interest for the sake of studying it. Empire knows its target audience very well and by the time we have finished studying it you will too!

The links below will take you to the lessons that we study in class, with some notes thrown in for good measure - but as always these notes are only to supplement your own, not to replace them. Although these pages should be the first place to visit should you miss any lessons.

Below the lessons are links to a scan of an edition of the magazine and other resources that are useful in revision, as with your notes and the lessons, this research is not to replace your own, it should be in addition.

As always feel free to comment on any of the pages to make your own points or even start a forum of your own.

Lesson 1.  Marketing, the Internet & the Future of Magazines

Lesson 2.  Target Audience & Appeals

Lesson 4.  Genre

Lesson 5.  Representations

The limited time in lessons means that we have to fly through a lot of these ideas and you may find that when you go back to revise Empire that you don't remember much about it - this is why your own research is essential.

This is also why you are going to have to read it over and over - preferably different editions. You must have evidence from the texts we study s0 referring vaguely to things you think might be in the magazine isn't good enough.

After you've read a copy, swap it with a friend and read theirs - You must become an expert on everything Empire magazine values and deems worth reporting on.