Dumbing Down and Dumbing Up

For years the media has been accused of making trash TV and texts that will rot our minds and make us more stupid.

Read Sara Mills' article - make notes on the arguments she makes against the Dumbing Down argument and reasons she suggests that even if TV is less 'intellectual' than other types of media that it doesn't really matter...


As a reaction to constant accusations of the Media being blamed for everything - Steve Johnson wrote a book to suggest that the Media is making us smarter...

Before reading the synopsis of the different arguments made in the book - it's important to note that at NO point in the book does Johnson suggest that the amount of information in the media such as websites, magazines and newspapers is the reason why we're smarter.

In fact Johnson NEVER directly to the content of the media - his entire thesis is explained in his first argument, that the FORM of the media text is more important than the content.

You should find about seven arguments in this synopsis, pay attention this could be a brilliant way for you to have an excuse for spending another hour on FIFA or for watching just one more DVD of your Lost boxset!